梵高和他的《星夜》 (绘画观感)
上周末去旧金山的de Young fine arts museum 看了一个后印象派画家的画展。所有的藏画都是从法国的奥赛博物馆 (the Musée d’Orsay) 运来的。其中包括梵高的一些名画如《罗纳河上的星夜》等。刚好又收到朋友寄来的一个梵高画作的pps。就把梵高的另一个叫《星夜》的名画也找来和大家分享。我觉得梵高的画线条和颜色都比较粗和深,看上去很淳朴厚重。
文森特·威廉·梵高(荷蘭語:Vincent Willem van Gogh,1853年3月30日-1890年7月29日,是位荷蘭後印象派畫家。他是表現主義的先驅,並深深影響了二十世紀藝術,尤其是野獸派與德國表現主義。梵谷的作品,如《星夜》、《向日葵》與《有烏鴉的麥田》等,現已擠身於全球最具名、廣為人知與昂貴的藝術作品的行列。
《罗纳河上的星夜》Starry Night Over The Rhone ,1888年,收藏於奧塞美術館
《星夜》The Starry Night, 1889年,收藏於紐約現代藝術博物館
zt: pps 作者的前言
这支唱梵高的背景歌《Vincent》(又名“星夜”)是1971年梵高死后81年美国民谣大师Don Mclean创作的。“...繁星点点的夜晚,火红的花朵明艳耀眼,卷云在紫色的薄雾里漂浮,映照在文森特湛蓝的瞳孔中,色彩变化万千。...如今我才明白你想对我说的是什么,你为自己的清醒承受了多少痛苦,你多么努力地想让他们得到解脱,但他们却拒绝理会,那时他们不知道该如何倾听,或许他们现在会愿意听。因为当时他们无法爱你,可你的爱却依然真实。...”作者用诗一般的语言展示着凡高的画作,并只一把简约的木吉他伴奏,即把那种人与亡魂在遥远时空悲伤对话的感觉,那种为世人对天才艺术家迟到理解而生发的悲戚之情,那种对梵高内心苦楚感同身受般的洞悉,以及艺术家孤独落寞前行的氛围,表达得淋漓尽致。“生活在低处,灵魂在高处”,这就是梵高。昨天女儿听台湾一个小女生翻唱的这支歌,又勾起我的情绪。我想,这首歌同时也表达了每个心向美好,热爱生活的人内心深处孤独却执著的情怀。今特意再次将“文生梵谷”发你,以怀念一个至美的灵魂。
Vincent (Starry Starry Night) Don McLean
齊豫 - 文生梵谷 - 繁星夜 - Starry Starry Night
《Vincent》(Starry Starry Night) Don McLean
Starry starry night
Paint your palette blue and grey
Look out on a summer's day
with eyes that know the darkness in my soul
Shadows on the hills
Sketch the trees and the daffodils
Catch the breeze and the winter chills
in colors on the snowy linen land
Now I understand
what you tried to say to me
How you suffered for your sanity
How you tried to set them free
They would not listen they did not know how
Perhaps they'll listen now
Starry starry night
Flaming flowers that brightly blaze
Swirling clouds in violet haze
reflect in Vincent's eyes of china blue
Colors changing hue
Morning fields of amber grain
Weathered faces lined in pain
are soothed beneath the artist's loving hand
And now I understand
what you tried to say to me
How you suffered for your sanity
How you tried to set them free
They would not listen they did not know how
Perhaps they'll listen now
For they could not love you
Still your love was true
And when no hope was left in sight on that
starry starry night
You took your life as lovers often do
But I could have told you - Vincent
this world was never meant for one
as beautiful as you
Starry starry night
Portraits hung in empty halls
Frameless heads on nameless walls
with eyes that watch the world and can't forget
Like the stranger that you've met
The ragged men in ragged clothes
The silver thorn of bloddy rose
lie crushed and broken on the virgin snow
And now I think I know
what you tried to say to me
How you suffered for your sanity
How you tried to set them free
They would not listen
they're not listening still
Perhaps they never will...
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