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Right Here Waiting For You


Richard Marx - Right Here Waiting For You

Oceans apart day after day 日复一日大海把我们分离
And I slowly go insane 渐渐地我失去理智
I hear your voice on the line 电话中传来轻声细语
But it doesn't stop the pain 痛楚仍存心底
If I see you next to never 假如你从我的视线中消失
How can we say forever 永远的誓言难道已忘记

Wherever you go 无论你去哪里
Whatever you do 无论你做什么
I will be right here waiting for you 我会等你始终如一
Whatever it takes 无论多大代价
Or how my heart breaks 无论心受打击
I will be right here waiting for you 我会等你始终如一

I took for granted, all the times 我一直以为
That I though would last somehow 天长地久是不变的唯一
I hear the laughter, I taste the tears 耳闻笑语品尝泪滴
But I can't get near you now 此时此刻还是不能靠近你
Oh, can't you see it baby Oh, 你难道看不见么baby
You've got me goin' CrAzY 你令我如此痴迷

Wherever you go 无论你去哪里
Whatever you do 无论你做什么
I will be right here waiting for you 我会等你始终如一
Whatever it takes 无论多大代价
Or how my heart breaks 无论心受打击
I will be right here waiting for you 我会等你始终如一

I wonder how we can survive 想知道该如何去坚持
This romance 这段浪漫恋曲
But in the end if I'm with you 假如可以和你在一起
I'll take the chance 我会在所不惜
Oh, can't you see it baby Oh, 你难道看不见么baby
You've got me goin' cRaZy 你令我如此痴迷

Wherever you go 无论你去哪里
Whatever you do 无论你做什么
I will be right here waiting for you 我会等你始终如一
Whatever it takes 无论多大代价
Or how my heart breaks 无论心受打击
I will be right here waiting for you 我会等你始终如一

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内容 作者 时间 ..
吉他手,你的话热乎乎,温暖...... 鼓励和信任,我记在心里了!
外乡人,你喜欢,开心啊 : )
彩虹,谢谢你推荐这首歌! 会继续努力。
吾兄,您才是文笔好的诗情中人,得跟您好好学学,受小妹一拜 ; )
丁香♀2011-03-14 20:57:48
5.很有诗情的人,文笔又这么好,请晒点作品看看如何?吾临天下♂2011-03-14 14:44:19
4.谢谢丁香,译得非常好,赞!希望能不断看到你的好译作。彩虹♀2011-03-13 19:55:48
3.I like it very much ! Thanks Ding Xiang !外乡人♀2011-03-13 17:39:14
2.Dingxiang, this is JiTaShou on smart phone, sorry no Chinese input now. As I am reading many of your translation I believe you have great language talent , I am wondering if you can write poem or lyrics. We can try to work on song writing together, like WT. jsh825♂2011-03-13 09:05:46
Right here waiting for you
http://www.youtube.com/watch?v=iLi_osYNsOU 彩虹♀ 2011-02-15 20:41:40

丁香♀2011-03-12 21:41:38