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格林威治镇 Greenwich, a Historic Town of England


格林威治镇离我家不到12分钟的车程. 那是我经常光顾的小镇.

Greenwich is one of London's most beguiling spots, and the one place in southeast London that draws large numbers of visitors. In Tudor times, Greenwich boasted a royal palace and, in neighbouring Deptford, the royal naval dockyard. Both have long since disappeared, and in place of the palace stands one of the capital's finest architectural set pieces, the former Royal Naval College overlooking the Thames. To the west lies Greenwich town centre, while to the south you'll find Greenwich's two prime tourist sights, the National Maritime Museum and the Royal Observatory.

Greenwich town centre, laid out in the 1820s with Nash-style terraces, is nowadays plagued with heavy traffic. To escape the busy streets, head for the original covered section of Greenwich Market. There are stalls here from Thursday to Sunday, but the place is at its liveliest at the weekend, when the stalls spill out up the High Road, Stockwell Road and Royal Hill. The best sections are the indoor secondhand book markets, flanking the Central Market on Stockwell Road; the Antiques hall, further down on Greenwich High Road; and the flea market on Thames Street.

It's entirely appropriate that the one London building that makes the most of its riverbank location should be the Old Royal Naval College, Wren's beautifully symmetrical Baroque ensemble, initially built as a royal palace, but eventually converted into a hospital for disabled seamen. From 1873 until 1998 it was home to the Royal Naval College, but now house the University of Greenwich and the Trinity College of Music.

The main entrance to the excellent National Maritime Museum, which occupies the old Naval Asylum, is on Romney Road. From here, you enter the spectacular glass roofed central courtyard, which houses the museum's largest artefact's, among them the splendid 63-foot-long gilded Royal Barge, designed in Rococo style by William Kent for Prince Frederick, the much-unloved eldest son of George II.

Crowning the highest hill in Greenwich Park, behind the National Maritime Museum, the Royal Observatory was established in 1675 by Charles II to house the first Astronomer Royal, John Flamsteed. Flamsteed's chief task was to study the night sky in order to discover an astronomical method of finding the longitude of a ship at sea, the lack of which was causing enormous problems for the emerging British Empire. Astrologers continued to work here at Greenwich until the postwar smog forced them to decamp to Herstmonceux Castle and the clearer skies of Sussex; the old observatory, meanwhile, is now a very popular museum.

Article ZT from ' The mini rough guide to London'

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9.哎呀,No啊, 你看这事儿搞的。你这么一说反倒让老看俺忐忑不安了。:)职业看客♂2010-12-13 10:40:15
8.昨晚忙完了工作,今天开始拼命补错过的帖。。。 你的导游做的很细致,方方面面,一目了然。俺收藏了。 将来有机会去那儿,看图找地。谢谢!三羊♀2010-12-12 22:13:07
7.嘻嘻, 怎么样, 接受咇, 能满足您要求是俺的荣幸:-)

No♀2010-12-12 17:51:03
下次一定、务必、保证、还有,...... 趁热乎回,趁热乎回,.... 大人不计小人过。
还有上次你贴的John Keats的那些照片,老看也特感兴趣。老看很喜欢看那些你们已经觉得习以为常,但对俺们这些外人却很新颖的东西,No, 怎么样,老看现在又challenge你一下了!哈哈哈。
职业看客♂2010-12-12 17:40:43
5.谢谢化石, 毕静, 老溜号和ox2uk喜欢

这是为看客特地现眼的, 结果人家还是没瞧上眼

No♀2010-12-11 16:08:10
4.好漂亮的格林威治小镇的照片介绍,它让我想起了每次同朋友们去格林威治,除了你照片上的英国国家航海博物馆、格林威治大花园和格林威治天文台是必到之处,站在“格林威治子午线”这条零度经线上,一脚东半球一脚西半球的留个影外,大家都一定要到小镇上走走,小镇上小市场、格林威治码头都很有特点。谢谢No的照片和介绍! 享受啊! ox2uk♀2010-12-11 08:56:56
3.谢谢你的图文。很享受。新老建筑很有特点,环境优美。难得的“摄影采访”。Well done, No。老溜号♂2010-12-11 01:36:17
2.Wow ! Plenty of culture! Hungry about it !

毕静♀2010-12-10 22:16:58
1.Thank you for sharing. Happy holidays!化石♀2010-12-10 18:55:55