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昨天买了紫色的茄子. 怎么吃好呢? 红烧, 炸酿肉茄子, 煮咖喱茄子还是蒜泥蒸茄子. 嗯…想了想,想起在意大利餐馆吃过的那种好像用橄榄油淋过的凉拌小吃茄子. 就它了, 心里盘算了一下, 大概就研究出了个做法.

很耐心的把茄子切成8 mm 厚, 因为太厚难煎透, 太薄没口感.

然后把平底锅加热, 倒上少许的橄榄油, 再调到文火, 把切好的茄子放到平底锅里煎.

煎的过程是一个考验耐心的过程. 用双木筷子反复的翻个直煎至金黄. 这时两面各撒上少许的盐, 茄子继续煎就会逐渐的变软.

煎的过程中要注意的事项是: 1, 要保证油量, 不要过多, 刚好煨够茄子,没有多余的油在锅里, 不要变成油泡茄子; 2, 正确控制撒盐的时间, 不能太早, 因为太早撒盐会把茄子里的水份逼出, 茄子吃起来就会有一点面面的感觉,不好. 所以要在茄子煎的变了金黄,水份大致都蒸发后才撒盐,盐也不要撒的太多, 撒盐的主要目的是让茄子变得柔软. 3, 要勤翻个, 不然一边煎的黑乎乎的, 而另一边又没煎透, 要两边都煎成一样的成色才好. 4, 不时用筷子戳戳茄子, 如果还是硬的,那就没有煎透, 则需要继续耐心一下,一定要变得软了才叫熟了.


不要以为这就完事了. 要知道, 中国人比意大利人会吃, 知道茄子喜欢大蒜.

秘制蒜酱(对北方人来说太容易了),说白了就是做吃水饺时的蒜酱. 捣好的蒜泥,生抽加麻油. 但千万不要放醋.

等煎好的橄榄油煨茄子摊凉后上桌,再把蒜酱往上一淋. 味道好极了.


哼, 我的茄子我做主;-)

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12.蝴蝶, 我的理解是, 煎用的油比较少, 食物不用整个浸泡在油里, 油也不一定要烧滚. 炸用的油比较多, 食物通常是完全浸泡在烧滚的油里.

想想煎牛扒, 再想想炸薯条:-)

No♀2010-11-11 15:05:21
11.No, 一直没搞清楚“煎”和“炸”的区别, 刚去GG了一下:
煎炸: frying
炸: fry
煎: fried

Even more confused? 笑笑。
蝴蝶♀2010-11-11 14:53:11
10.Bell or Belle;-)

Your bello father in law is amazing. Your life must be wonderful, isn't?

No♀2010-11-10 11:09:36
9.Love your video, will show to my husband. The Italian you described are typical Italians, kind of stereo typed Italians. After they migrated to America, they also mingled a lot with other cultures. As for my family, my father in law is a Harvard graduate, he did everything to its perfection. He designed to build his own house at age 76, my daughter loves it, cause it has elevator inside. Even almost at age 80, he still travels to Egypt last year, stayed in Paris for some time, after traveling all over the world at younger age. As for my husband, he would say "Chinese are bad drivers, because in China there are no traffic rules" In a way, I agree." Italians, Germans, English, they all carry their own heritage and culture influence. However, after they come to America, they all mixed up with other people from other parts of the world. That's the fun part of this country. You don't need to travel abroad to meet foreign people. Bell♀2010-11-09 14:49:45

哦,小声建议向小卒一下, 能不能在靶场贴张'八仙过海'的图, 里面有个'骑驴的'的仙, 还有个叫'吕洞宾'的仙, 有空还得请大夫讲讲'苟杳吕洞宾'的故事;-)
No♀2010-11-09 12:05:16

无名小卒♀2010-11-09 11:53:55
6.Bell, 在和你聊聊意大利人吧. 我总觉得他们和中国人的北方人有很多相似的地方. 头发是黑的. 儿女是和父母一起居住的, 甚至结婚以后, 家庭观念很强. 喜欢吃面食, 性格豪爽, 喜欢横冲直撞( 那些开共交车的,和开小摩托的).

好像以前我贴过这个, 再笑意笑靥无妨

No♀2010-11-09 10:32:52
5.The things they steam are mainly veggies, such as Brussels sprouts (has the bitter taste flavor like bitter melon), asparagus, or green beans, put some kosher salt afterwards. What I realized is the food they eat is just purely food flavor. We Chinese tend to add other flavors in order to minimize the natural food flavor Kind of like our personalities, versatile, subtle, vs the straight forward and simple way. Interesting, isn't?Bell♀2010-11-08 16:53:45
4.Bell, wow I envy you. The most I like is Italian red wine. Pure flavor.

But I don't know whether Italian steams food like Cantonese does?
No♀2010-11-08 15:29:29
3.There are many Italian dishes, I learned so much after I married an Italian American. Every year for family Christmas meal, I was the chef assistant for my father in law. Italian dishes use all the fresh ingredients, so many different kinds of herbs, basil, rosemary, etc. lots of seafood, olive oil, garlic, and tons of cheeses for protein. In a way, I think they are healthier than Chinese food, because there are no stir fry. Their risotto tastes better than plain white rice. Italian food is not as heavy and rich as Norwegian food. We just need to explore further. Bell♀2010-11-08 15:12:18
2.蝴蝶, 不是炸, 是煎. 的确是现切现煎, 可我至少煎了十分钟, 是不是翻的太勤了? 呵呵No♀2010-11-08 15:09:32
1.No妹, 一直以为你的思维是跳跃型的, 没想到也看到了精确型的一面, 8mm? 呵呵。

1. 茄子最好现切现炸
2. 装盘后撒盐
3. 8 mm 的茄片真的只需两三分钟, 翻一次够了。

最后, 如果你“筷子戳戳茄子”的指令, 请尽量在同一茄片上执行, 不然一盘伤痕累累的炸茄片着实不雅观。

蝴蝶♀2010-11-08 14:22:42