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A Thousand Kisses Deep


A Thousand Kisses Deep
By Leonard Cohen

The ponies run, the girls are young, 小马飞奔,女孩们正青春
The odds are there to beat. 无数的未知等待被发掘
You win a while, and then it’s done – 你得逞一时,即成过眼云烟
Your little winning streak.这只是你的小小顺境
and summoned now 鼓足勇气
to deal with your invincible defeat来面对不可逃避的失败
you live your life as if it‘s real 生活似幻似真,犹如
A Thousand Kisses Deep 千吻之深

I’m turning tricks, I’m getting fixed, 我沾花惹草,我吞云吐雾
I’m back on Boogie Street *. 我又回到了波吉街
You lose your grip, and then you slip 你失去重心,你失足滑倒
Into the Masterpiece.成为一帧狂乱的杰作
And maybe I had miles to drive, 也许我还有长路迢迢
And promises to keep: 还有诺言要兑现
You ditch it all to stay alive, 为了生存你放弃一切,生如
A Thousand Kisses Deep.千吻之深

And sometimes when the night is slow, 当长夜漫漫
The wretched and the meek, 可怜不幸和软弱无助的人们
We gather up our hearts and go, 让我们齐心协力往前走,爱如
A Thousand Kisses Deep. 千吻之深

Confined to sex, we pressed against 困于情爱,
The limits of the sea:我们爱到海枯石烂
I saw there were no oceans left 我们已到山穷水尽
For scavengers like me. 因我对爱情贪得无厌
I made it to the forward deck.我站在爱之舟的甲板
I blessed our remnant fleet 给幸存的水手祝福
And then consented to be wrecked,然后眼看着爱之舟沉没, 海如
A Thousand Kisses Deep. 千吻之深

I’m turning tricks, I’m getting fixed, 我沾花惹草,我吞云吐雾
I’m back on Boogie Street. 我又回到了波吉街
I guess they won’t exchange the gifts我猜想没人与我交换礼物
That you were meant to keep. 你是我唯一的选择
And quiet is the thought of you, 想到你我心满意足
The file on you complete, 你的一切我已了然于心
Except what we forgot to do, 只是我们忘了
A Thousand Kisses Deep.一千次的深吻

And sometimes when the night is slow, 当长夜漫漫
The wretched and the meek, 可怜不幸和软弱无助的人们
We gather up our hearts and go, 让我们鼓起勇气往前走
A Thousand Kisses Deep. 爱如千吻之深

The ponies run, the girls are young, 小马飞奔,女孩们正青春
The odds are there to beat . . . 无数的未知等待被发掘

* “Boogie Street”:
“Boogie Street to me was that street of work and desire, the ordinary life and also the place we live in most of the time that is relieved by the embrace of your children, or the kiss of your beloved, or the peak experience in which you yourself are dissolved, and there is no one to experience it so you feel the refreshment when you come back from those moments … So we all hope for those heavenly moments, which we get in those embraces and those sudden perceptions of beauty and sensations of pleasure, but we're immediately returned to Boogie Street." ---- Leonard Cohen

波吉街于我而言就是红尘众生。 它是工作和欲望的汇集之处,是我们的日常生活和生存空间。 从中的解脱来自于怀抱婴儿的时刻,爱人相吻的时刻,以及那些使人心旷神怡,无以名状的极致体验。 是这些时刻使你的平淡生活变得神清气爽,生机勃发。 因此我们都期待着这样的超凡时刻,这种来自于拥抱和对美丽以及感官愉悦的顿悟。 然而,我们转眼又回到了波吉街。

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内容 作者 时间 ..
16.我找到最喜歡又最流暢有韻的翻譯,謝謝!異邦人♀2011-09-11 04:55:30
15.这首歌无声也挺美。唉♀2011-04-29 08:02:55
14.No obligation! Translate it only when you feel like it!

Enjoy your day! :)
倚梦幻歌♀2010-09-16 10:54:01
13.I like this one:

Frank Sinatra's My Way

And now, the end is near,
And so I face the final curtain.
My friends, I'll say it clear;
I'll state my case of which I'm certain.

I've lived a life that's full -
I've travelled each and every highway.
And more, much more than this,
I did it my way.

Regrets? I've had a few,
But then again, too few to mention.
I did what I had to do
And saw it through without exemption.

I planned each charted course -
Each careful step along the byway,
And more, much more than this,
I did it my way.

Yes, there were times, I'm sure you knew,
When I bit off more than I could chew,
But through it all, when there was doubt,
I ate it up and spit it out.
I faced it all and I stood tall
And did it my way.

I've loved, I've laughed and cried,
I've had my fill - my share of losing.
But now, as tears subside,
I find it all so amusing.

To think I did all that,
And may I say, not in a shy way -
Oh no. Oh no, not me.
I did it my way.

For what is a man? What has he got?
If not himself - Then he has naught.
To say the things he truly feels
And not the words of one who kneels.
The record shows I took the blows
And did it my way.

Yes, it was my way.
倚梦幻歌♀2010-09-16 10:14:42
12.倚梦幻歌: Thanks for visiting and your comments. I am kind of stuck recently because I could not identify a song that I really have an urge to translate. I will consider your suggestion of translating Chinese into English. It will be a new challenge.石久♂2010-09-13 19:02:58

石久先生, 歌曲您除了英翻中外,以后有没有可能尝试中翻英呢?
倚梦幻歌♀2010-09-01 14:33:05
10.“该做的全都做了”是有点过了,而且也太直白,还是觉得“你的一切我已了然于心 ”更诗意。投#7的票。吾临天下♂2010-08-18 23:41:54
9.谢谢吾君,都市霓虹的抬举和各位网友的评论。溢美之词令我汗颜。坛中众贤的才华令我钦佩不已,学无止境。 微网渐渐成为我的心灵寄托。但囿于工作和生活的压力,永远跟不上节奏,没有时间写帖。常常等我想写点感想,微网已一日干里,时过境迁,进入另一话题了。
The file on you complete 一句的翻译,我也不满意,但没有花时间来仔细推敲。 经吾君提示,我想了几个版本如“你的一切我已了然于心",“你已常驻我心里”。大家的贡献都各有所长,吾君最后一条的的建议更为达意并使上下连贯。 只是我觉引申得稍过了,吾君以为如何? 现暂留这些在评论中,望有兴趣来看的朋友继续讨论或表决哪一个是最适合的表达。

1。file 译成生命-(化石)
4。我把你妥善保存- (吾临天下)
5。回忆永存- (蝴蝶)
6。该做的全都做了- (吾临天下)
7。你的一切我已了然于心 -(石久)

石久♂2010-08-18 19:16:42


And quiet is the thought of you, 想到你我心满意足
The file on you complete, 该做的全都做了
Except what we forgot to do, 只是我们忘了
A Thousand Kisses Deep.一千次的深吻

吾临天下♂2010-08-18 12:12:04
...你失去重心,你失足滑倒, 成为一帧狂乱的杰作
也许我还有长路迢迢, 还有诺言要兑现
“The file on you complete” 回忆永存?
蝴蝶♀2010-08-18 10:59:51
6.The file on you complete, 你的档案已完成
吾临天下♂2010-08-18 10:25:07
5.又想到一个坏主意,全句译作"白纸黑字",怎样?化石♀2010-08-18 09:59:30
4.The file on you complete, 这里头的‘你’指的是'Boogie Street' 吗, 如果是, 那是不是‘你的使命已经完成’的意思?

‘You lose your grip, and then you slip 你失去重心,你失足滑倒
Into the Masterpiece.成为一帧狂乱的杰作’, 最喜欢这句的翻译。
Scarlett♀2010-08-18 09:54:00
3.吾先生,同感。我昨天想到今天还末找到合适的字眼来表达这 " File" 一词,"生命"也不大合适,hummm? 有意思。

化石♀2010-08-18 09:30:31

The file on you complete, 你的档案已完成
吾临天下♂2010-08-18 08:58:20
1.Leonard Cohen: [A Thousand Kisses Deep / 千吻之深]

老溜号♂2010-08-18 04:37:21