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Fix you By Coldplay


Fix you

By Coldplay

When you try your best but you don't succeed 当你竭尽全力但功亏一篑
When you get what you want but not what you need 当你得你所求但非你所需
When you feel so tired but you can't sleep 当你筋疲力尽但辗转难眠
Stuck in reverse 你进退两难

And the tears come streaming down your face 泪水汹涌而下
When you lose something you can't replace 因你失落了你的无价之宝
When you love someone but it goes to waste 因你爱上的人离你而去
Could it be worse? 还有什么比这更惨?

Lights will guide you home让光明指引你回家的路
And ignite your bones 让它点燃你的热情
And I will try to fix you 让我来为你疗伤

And high up above or down below 你上下求索,
When you're too in love to let it go 你为爱所困
But if you never try you'll never know 但不去尝试怎会知道
Just what you're worth 你自己的价值

Lights will guide you home让光明指引你回家的路
And ignite your bones 让它点燃你的热情
And I will try to fix you 让我来为你疗伤

Tears stream down your face 泪水不停地流
When you lose something you cannot replace 当失去的再也找不回来
Tears stream down your face 泪水只能不停地流
And I 而我

Tears stream down your face 泪水不停地流
I promise you I will learn from my mistakes 我保证会记取前车之鉴
Tears stream down your face 泪水还是不停地流
And I 而我

Lights will guide you home让光明指引你回家的路
And ignite your bones 让它点燃你的热情
And I will try to fix you 让我来为你疗伤

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That makes two of us.
石久♂2010-08-12 13:58:03
4.不还意思, sign in 有些问题, 还是蝴蝶。蝶蝴♀2010-08-11 17:08:21
3.Yes, I do.蝶蝴♂2010-08-11 17:06:29
2.蝴蝶,Thanks. You must like Coldplay. I do.

石久♂2010-08-10 20:25:10
1.赞赞赞, 上次你译Scientist的时候就想问这首歌的, 没想到这么快就自己出来了。 谢谢。蝴蝶♀2010-08-10 19:57:19