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Secret Garden - Make A Wish



I told honey not to take off those decorations until 15, for I have so much feeling with them this year. Probably it is because of her, and I am having lots of gifts from her in my room now, I can even see her anywhere… I am wearing one of them which is her favourite that she never gives to others, and she wants to see me with it always. For me, a little lazy one, who never buys anything to others has taken long time with full of caring to choose the gift for her this time. I found a beautiful decoration for her made in Poland finally because all my collections come from other countries. “Okay, I will take whatever I like” “It’s up to you.” And she is the same thing, “Like it, so take it.” Hehe, we are so generous to each other but others. It is a really amazing thing that we have so many things in common even if we have over ten years’ difference.

It is not the right time to listen to music especially emotional ones, and she doesn’t want me to listen to, so communication becomes more frequent everyday. The wired thing is her talking has always worked on me and given me so much peace that never happened before. Both of us are touched by what are happening between us, and it is growing fast and fast; I decided to make a wish for us, then I went to church when I visited Wall Street. It is God brought the destiny to us; therefore, he, of course, will bless us, and this love will be everlasting. Life is going on with peace from now on because she is always beside me with full of love, and I am so grateful to her. It becomes clear and clear that we need each other with our lifetime and this love has been so deep. Life is getting colourful and joyful, and this is the God wants it to be…This piece always arouses tenderness from deep inside and this is the way how we treat each other. It is a pretty touching one because of our souls' connection. Nobody really understands what is happening, but we know, and it is a miracle secret for the New Year…and it is OUR secret…

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8.te amo,
Make A Wish,歌和图唤回我的回忆,谢谢你!

呵呵,我的确很少说这三个字; )

丁香♀2012-02-11 14:33:44
7.刚转达了,谢谢您的祝福 *_*te amo♀2012-02-02 15:18:30
6.Te Amo , 祝福你们天长地久!兰馨♀2012-02-01 23:32:57
5.回兰馨:有道是知音难寻,其实幸福比甜蜜更多些,寻到了便是天长地久:))Te amo♀2012-01-31 00:57:13
4.音乐很美,怎么觉得是Te Amo 写给年轻十年的女友的,很甜蜜嘛!兰馨♀2012-01-30 22:55:49
3.很开心您喜欢,这是我今年最爱的一曲,因为身边又多了一个相爱相知相伴的人,所以每每听都很感动感慨流泪。流泪是因为幸福的降临。心诚,许愿则一定灵无论信什么,这是我的体验。希望您能心想事成*_*Te amo♀2012-01-30 21:31:45
2.Dear te amo, 叫你时我不会觉得亏,而是觉得赚了,多了一个可爱的小妹妹或是一个聪明的大侄女。谢谢你为我选的乐曲,实在太对胃口了,一连听了五遍,非常非常喜欢,只是有些过意不去。 我边听边想,哪一天我的愿望实现了,我要用它作背景音乐,做一个MV, 至少要做一个PPTX, 作为礼物送给你,一个天使般的姑娘!橄榄树♀2012-01-30 17:53:57
1.与橄榄树,丁香还有喜欢音乐的朋友共同分享这首Make a Wish, 祝愿大家在新的一年里梦想成真:))te amo♀2012-01-30 13:20:24