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Celine Dion - When I Need You


没有注意过这首歌,但从她送给我之后,我便慢慢感到了温暖。她说她看到并感觉到了火花的撞击,她还说 :I never knew there was so much love from you keeping me warm night and day. 它让我们都懂得了--- 在音乐中,我们是不可分割的整体。她说无论我走得多远都会回到她身边的,因为我爱音乐。原来相爱如此的挑剔也如此简单。。。呵呵,相信天意,相信缘... ...~_~

When I need you
Just close my eyes and I'm with you
And all that I so want to give you
It's only a heart beat away

When I need love
I hold out my hands and I touch love
I never knew there was so much love
Keeping me warm night and day

Miles and miles of empty space in between us
A telephone can't take the place of your smile
But you know I wont be traveling for ever
It's cold out, but hold out and do like I do

When I need you
Just close my eyes and I'm with you
And all that I so want to give you babe
It's only a heartbeat away

It's not easy when the road is your driver
Honey, that's a heavy load that we bear
But you know I won't be traveling a lifetime
It's cold out but hold out and do like I do
Oh I need you

When I need you
I hold out my hands and I touch love
I never knew there was so much love
Keeping me warm night and day

When I need you
Just close my eyes and I'm with you
And all that I so want to give you
It's only a heart beat away

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2.呵呵,您谦虚了,现在的Ga Ga, 我基本不听,也算是out了. 我在这里只发自己喜欢的音乐,无论什么年代,或者给自己的感想配些音乐。 虽然生活忙碌,但有感受的时候,也是愿意发出来。音乐毕竟是灵魂的东西,很难改掉的。。。te amo♀2011-11-17 14:43:40
1.前天晚上我在微家村里溜达的时候,问自己:怎么Te Amo好长时间没给我们送点音乐呢?这不,你就听见了!:)

跟很多人一样,我也很喜欢Celine Dion的歌喉。 'When I Need You'我可能还是头一次听到。我知道我肯定是属于最土的,最落伍的。多年前,我煞有介事地跟人说:”国内有个新出的歌星叫什么'朗',特别好听!我现在就去看看有没有他的光碟卖。“对方瞪着我嘟囔了一句:”孤陋寡闻!刀朗都快过时了!“ 我当然不服气心说:光顾着自己听好音乐,遇见什么特别好的,也不跟我们念叨念叨,让大家都分享。。。好象我'孤陋寡闻'是别人造成的!

外乡人♀2011-11-16 18:32:28